Tuesday, July 29, 2014

16 weeks

My baby is 16 weeks!!!!! (Well, tomorrow he is...but still.) So, what is Andre up to at 16 weeks, you ask? So many things! He is growing up way to fast and this mama isn't ready for it!so here is a glimpse into what my little man is up to:

-He is super smiley, especially when he wakes up! This little man will smile pretty much every time I talk to him!

-He is a sleeping ROCKSTAR!!!! Andre sleeps 10+ hours a night! We put him down anytime between 7-8 pm and I normally have to wake him up in the morning before I leave for work. This makes for a VERY happy mama!

-Andre can roll over from his belly to his back but he doesn't like to do it for me! He does it the most at day care and for daddy but daddy was able to get him to do it for me too.

-He loves to talk to you! Everyday when I get home from work, Andre and I have a conversation about his day at day care. He coos and jabbers away and I absolutely love it! I look forward to many many more chats in our future.

-He can sit in his bumbo seat and excersaucer and enjoys being able to sit up and look around. He has excellent head and neck control while sitting in them but will eventually lean to one side. It's pretty adorable.

-He has started following Keena around with his eyes and watches her move. When she comes and sniffs him he gets all smiley and happy. I know someday he is going to be in love with that girl! He doesn't, however, like when she shakes her head! It startles him pretty much every time...so much so we make sure her collar isn't on in the house!

-He is overall a very sweet, happy little guy! He's growing like a weed, his thrush is FINALLY gone and his umbilical hernia is almost completely healed. We are madly in love with him and he makes our lives complete! It's amazing how this little tiny person can only be in our lives for 16 weeks and yet I cannot imagine our lives without him. I am so blessed to be his mommy and I thank The Lord everyday for allowing me to be!

1 comment:

  1. SO SO glad to hear his thrush is gone as well as the hernia!! great news :-)
