Friday, March 21, 2014

Non-Stress Test

     Last week I had my 34 week appointment with an associate of my doctor. He was surprised that I hadn't gotten a non-stress test yet since I have high blood pressure. The non-stress test is where you sit and get monitors strapped to your stomach and they listen to the babies heart beat for twenty minutes (minimum) consecutively and they need to see that his heart rate increases by ten beats for fifteen seconds two different times in the twenty minutes. Dr. McCarty sent me to the hospital to get one right then no there and said my doctor would call me the next week to see what she wanted me to do. 
     A test that was supposed to take 20-30 minutes took us 1.5 hours! Furrby would just not cooperate and the poor nurse ended up holding the monitor on my stomach for most of the time. My blood pressure was off a little too. Well, that was last Friday and today I got a call from my doctor who wanted me to go get another non-stress test tonight. Charl and I got into the car and headed to Lebanon. We were there another 1.5 hours! This time they kept checking my blood pressure, listening to my heart, checking my swelling, reflexes and oxygen levels. They even had to get the on call doctor to release me before leaving. This concerned me a little but Furrby is fine and that is what matters to me.
     My doctor did mention that she may be taking Furrby early. She said as much as a few weeks early! Right now we are 5.5 weeks from our due date so that could be just a couple of weeks. She said we will talk about it on Thursday when I'm in for my next appointment. Who knows, we my be meeting our little man sooner than we thought. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Baby Shower

     Last weekend my sisters threw me a baby shower. It was wonderful! They picked a farm theme and had a delicious lunch with a bunch of different pies for dessert! A bunch of family and some close friends made it and we had a great time. We were blessed with SO many gifts I can't even list them all here without forgetting a bunch! The main things we need that we HAVE to have before bringing home Furrby is a car seat. My parents had given us one but it was expired so we need to get a new one. I have found that I am struggling with not having everything we need right this second. There are some things for breast feeding we need and some smaller things for Furrby that we need but I guess my nesting instincts are telling me to get EVERYTHING that we could possibly need right now! We will get it all in due time...I just have to try and be patient!

33 Weeks

     Oh my goodness it's been a while! Honestly a lot has happened but I've kind of forgotten about blogging! I'll try to do a quick overview of what has been happening since my last post.

-I failed the one hour Glucola test and had to take the three hour to see if I had gestational diabetes. The test was not as bad as I thought even though you ended up fasting for about 15 hours and getting blood drawn 4 times in 3 hours. Luckily all was fine with my bloodwork and no diabetes for me!

-I'm officially 33 weeks this coming Tuesday so we have about 7 weeks left!

-I have only gained 5.5 lbs as of my last doctors appointment.

-My blood pressure has been perfect every appointment but one and even then it was only high by about two or three points and I had been rushing that morning and hadn't had time to take my meds that morning.

- This past week Charles and I attended a breast feeding class and a birthing class (well not the whole birthing class because it was simply too long and I was in pain, and Charles hadn't slept since getting  off of work!)

-I woke up one night this past week with the WORST charley horse I have EVER had in my entire life! I didn't know what to do or how Charles could help me (which he was desperately trying to do) and ended up in tears! When I have had them in the past they would gradually go away and my calf would be sore the rest of the day. This one lasted way longer and cramped my whole leg up through my butt! It went away as soon as it came and I wasn't sore at all. So weird but apparently it's common in the last trimester and related to water consumption so I have been trying to drink a LOT of water to avoid that again!

-I occasionally I have heartburn but most of the time it's not anything to even take tums for.

Overall this pregnancy has been fairly easy. I have good days and some that are more "uncomfortable" than others. I haven't had too many mood swings but I get cranky often. Haha. Today when we got home from our birthing class I was tired and probably overwhelmed with information and it quickly escalated! I had a whole container of Chinese leftovers in my hands and Charles came up to me and tried to kiss me on my neck...well I'm very ticklish and it startled me and all my food went all over me and the floor! I immediately started bawling and sobbing without really knowing what was happening. Poor Charles rushed to help me clean it up and tried consoling me but him being so nice actually made me cry even more! Let's chalk that one up to hormones and too much going through my head! I have my next doctors appointment this Friday with one if my doctors associates. I'm just pleased everything is going so well,